Hot Spots for Ghostly Activity in NJ
Bring your flashlight, and see for yourself! There are endless rumors about renowned NJ attractions that are completely necessary to check out! You will get fun, thrilling experiences with you're friends especially when your mind starts to play tricks on you and you don't know if you actually saw something or not. We loved to do this when we were kids, and are passing the best scary places on to you!The Spy House
(732) 787-3033 | Monmouth CountyA lot of history in a larger house! The Spy House is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in America. Packed with things that go bump in the night, The Spy House is perfect for history buffs and thrill seeker... Read More
Visit Website View DetailsRobbins Reef Yacht Club
201-858-9510 | Hudson CountyIf you're looking for thrills and chills, Robbins Reef Yacht Club is the place. Things have been known to move without being touched, bottles falling off of shelves unprompted. The perfect seaside haunted attraction in N... Read More
View DetailsLake House Restaurant
856-694-5700 | Gloucester CountyLake House Restaurant is the destination for a haunted and true attraction in NJ. The original owner still wanders the premises, according to the restaurant... Read More
Visit Website View DetailsThe Spy House
(732) 787-3033 | Monmouth CountyA lot of history in a larger house! The Spy House is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in America. Packed with things that go bump in the night, The Spy House is perfect for history buffs and thrill seeker... Read More
Visit Website View DetailsRobbins Reef Yacht Club
201-858-9510 | Hudson CountyIf you're looking for thrills and chills, Robbins Reef Yacht Club is the place. Things have been known to move without being touched, bottles falling off of shelves unprompted. The perfect seaside haunted attraction in N... Read More
View DetailsLake House Restaurant
856-694-5700 | Gloucester CountyLake House Restaurant is the destination for a haunted and true attraction in NJ. The original owner still wanders the premises, according to the restaurant... Read More
Visit Website View DetailsWant to Seek More Ghosts in NJ?
If you are incredibly brave, we commend you! Are you ready for round two? Visit the tree that nobody can seem to cut down (and come near death if they try). You can also drive down this long, dark road of asphalt in hopes of seeing the ghost boy who lives under the bridge and if you toss a penny off, he will toss it back to you! Visit Clinton Road - West Milford NJ or The Devil's Tree - Basking Ridge NJ