Spanish Speaking Entertainers in NJ
Bilingual Entertainers!
Party professional recognize the importance of being bilingual and can service your party in Spanish, English, or a combination of both.Face Painting by Pattysweetcakes
973-517-0158 | We Come to YouFace Painting in NJ. Pinte su fiesta de allegria con el arte corporal de la payasita Pattysweetcakes! El arte corporal es divertido para todas las edades. Los ninos disfrutan de pintar sus caritas y tenemos tatuajes temporales de brillo para adultos y adolecente... Read More
Visit Website View DetailsFace Painting by Pattysweetcakes
973-517-0158 | We Come to YouFace Painting in NJ. Pinte su fiesta de allegria con el arte corporal de la payasita Pattysweetcakes! El arte corporal es divertido para todas las edades. Los ninos disfrutan de pintar sus caritas y tenemos tatuajes temporales de brillo para adultos y adolecente... Read More
Visit Website View DetailsPlan A Quinceanera
Begin planning one of the biggest celebrations of a Latin American girl's life: a quinceanera. Your daughter will love the chance to dress up and celebrate 15 years with friends and family.