Dress Up Theme Parties in NJ

Let Imaginations Run Wild
Children are naturally curious and imaginative. By dressing up in costumes and exploring new characters and personas, children are able to express thoughts, feelings and emotions in new dimensions. Plus, it's fun! Take their love of make believe to the next level by planning a dress up themed party!
ABC Character Clubhouse
908-964-6461 | We Come to YouCharacter dress-up parties in NJ. Costume characters for any occasion! Hundreds of well-known characters to choose from that are sure to be a hit with kids! We come to you! Traveling to various parts of NJ & Staten Island! Catering birthday parties and other special events! We come to homes, venues, corporate functions and just about anything else!
Beauty and the Beast LLC
908-236-7353 | We Come to YouPrincess theme parties NJ. Our Princess Party features a beautiful Princess entertainer dressed in a sparkling ball gown and tiara. Your Princess show will include royal fanfare, princess and children's music, magic show, interactive musical games, singing, dancing, storytime, magic kingdom treasure hunt with souvenirs for all the kids, ... Read More
Visit Website View DetailsABC Character Clubhouse
908-964-6461 | We Come to YouCharacter dress-up parties in NJ. Costume characters for any occasion! Hundreds of well-known characters to choose from that are sure to be a hit with kids! We come to you! Traveling to various parts of NJ & Staten Island! Catering birthday parties and other special events! We come to homes, venues, corporate functions and just about anything else!
Beauty and the Beast LLC
908-236-7353 | We Come to YouPrincess theme parties NJ. Our Princess Party features a beautiful Princess entertainer dressed in a sparkling ball gown and tiara. Your Princess show will include royal fanfare, princess and children's music, magic show, interactive musical games, singing, dancing, storytime, magic kingdom treasure hunt with souvenirs for all the kids, ... Read More
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Kids NJ
Looking for something family friendly to do any day of the week? New Jersey is chock full of fun adventures and outings perfect for the little ones. Check out our fun with kids in NJ section to learn more!