Explore New Jersey
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Area 57 (Balloon fest)

Fun Places to Explore in NJ

With 4.5 million acres in its state borders, New Jersey is always begging to be explored. Visit the mountain ranges in the northwest or the enchanting shore on the eastern coast or the isolated farmland and rolling hills in the south. It doesn't matter how much you've seen, there's always more waiting for you. What's better is that both kids and adults will love engaging their adventurous spirits in NJ escapades.


Environmental Conservation

It's a high priority to keep the land of NJ open to public exploration while preserving it the best we can. Rutgers, the state university, is making constant efforts towards environmental protection emphasizing the best management practices. See what they're doing and other resources about our state's nature. You'll also learn about what you can do to further efforts.

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Mail : [email protected]
Business Hours : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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