All Painting Classes in NJ in Monmouth County
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Get Inspired by a Fun Activity
We have found some really cool art studios located in Monmouth County, NJ, that offer either one-on-one painting classes or group painting courses. Classes are sometimes held by individual local artists which is a very nice experience because students get to meet and greet with artists that may be well versed in certain styles that they aspire to learn. Most workshops range from a couple of hours to one-day courses or up to one week. Through our research, we have also found a studio that offers 10-week sessions that feature guest instructors covering a wide array of styles and concepts. See all art related classes and workshops in NJ.
Painting classes for all ages!
Whether you're 5 or 95, there is a place for you to express your creative self at Around the Corner Art Center. Pick up a paintbrush as instructors guide you through methods and techniques so you can figure out which one you like best and go home having learned so many new skills!
Around the Corner Art Center
732-308-4666 | Monmouth CountyPainting classes for all ages and levels are offered at Around the Corner Art Center. Sign up at their Morganville or Freehold location to start an eight week session of learn and utilizing new skills. At the end of it all, you can move onto a more advanced session or take the skills you've learned home to build on them on your ow... Read More
Visit Website View DetailsPainting classes for all ages!
Whether you're 5 or 95, there is a place for you to express your creative self at Around the Corner Art Center. Pick up a paintbrush as instructors guide you through methods and techniques so you can figure out which one you like best and go home having learned so many new skills!
Around the Corner Art Center
732-308-4666 | Monmouth CountyPainting classes for all ages and levels are offered at Around the Corner Art Center. Sign up at their Morganville or Freehold location to start an eight week session of learn and utilizing new skills. At the end of it all, you can move onto a more advanced session or take the skills you've learned home to build on them on your ow... Read More
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Private Lessons
Getting a private drawing lesson in Monmouth County, NJ can really help you to work on a specific style of drawing. Perhaps a mixed media piece, getting used to watercolors, pastels or whatever you really want to concentrate on.
Explore More Arts Outdoors
We want you to keep reading. There we've said it! Take a moment and try the links below. We are sure you will like them! Our blog is loaded with much more arts and culture outdoor activites to explore. We have also just launched our find fun fast section where you can find fun cultuaral destinations, rainy day activities and more.
Explore More Folklore
Have you heard of our Fun New Jersey magazine? Discover the bizarre tale of Ong's Hat, the infamous Jersey Devil or our amzaingly scary list of some really haunted restaurants down the Jersey Shore.